
The industrial and scientific partners in the TAPAS consortium closely work together in:

  • the development of primary structural parts, and
  • the research into corresponding technologies.

The technological research and development focus on creating more applications for the innovative composite materials, especially in primary structural parts of aircrafts in future aviation programs. Eco-efficiency is an important additional objective.

Within the TAPAS consortium, the technology for design methods and the technology for the specific processing of thermoplastic composite are being developed. The goal is to achieve several TRL levels for different products before the end of the TAPAS2 project, thus having the technology ready for application on new aircraft programs.

The consortium focuses on large, structural aircraft elements.

The initial TAPAS1 project had an overall research program budgeted at over 13 million Euro. The TAPAS2 project has a budget of 24,4 million Euro. The partners in the consortium provide a fundamental contribution to this budget. In addition, TAPAS is supported by a major grant from the Ministry of Economic Affairs in the Netherlands.